Tips on Taking Care of your Teeth During the Winter

Winter is the time of year when many people crave seasonal comfort foods. From festive foods and holiday dishes to carbohydrate-packed dishes like biscuits and gravy or chicken pot pie, your winter diet can have a dramatic impact on your oral health. Whether you sip hot cocoa or cider or consume holiday confections and cocktails, your smile may suffer, especially if you fail to properly care for it. Therefore, our Jeffersonville family dentists at Exceptional Dentistry share on the blog today tips on taking care of your teeth during the winter so that you can maintain an Exceptional smile for the holidays.
Basic Oral Care
The American Dental Association recommends that you brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily to minimize food debris and bacteria. Additionally, visiting our Louisville family dentist for a checkup and cleaning twice a year can remove bacteria in hard-to-reach areas, brighten your smile, and create an opportunity to discover advanced oral conditions. Unfortunately, the winter season also brings illness, so replace your toothbrush after you feel better so that you don’t reinfect yourself. Lastly, feel free to contact our office if you develop painful sensations or other symptoms.
Tooth Enamel Protection
Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body, but that doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. Our family dentists in Shepherdsville explain that as your teeth get exposed to food and beverages, they are under attack for stains and bacteria. For example, some foods that may create tooth stains are tomatoes and heavily dyed products. On the other hand, some beverages like tea, coffee, soda, or red wine can also stain your smile. Furthermore, consuming foods and beverages high in sugar content or carbohydrates can increase bacterial activity and your risk for cavities and gum disease.
Gum Protection
The soft fleshy part of your gums is there to protect your tooth and its roots. Healthy gum tissue is light pink and briefly turns white when touched. However, unhealthy gum tissue can appear inflamed and dark red. Our family dentists in Jeffersonville explain that daily oral care can minimize bacterial activity that causes inflamed gums and infections. Since your gums may be exposed to hot beverages and freezing outdoor temperatures, you may experience gum sensitivity, especially when you have poor oral care habits. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can help remove most bacteria left behind from regular brushing and flossing. However, you can minimize bacteria’s impact on your gums when you consume water throughout the day and wash away harmful bacteria.
Oral Issues
One of the best benefits of visiting our Louisville dental office regularly for checkups and cleanings is that it allows us to monitor your oral health and uncover advanced issues during the early stages where treatment is most effective. For example, cold sores, canker sores, dry mouth, jaw pain, gum infection, and tooth or gum sensitivity are all issues that can develop when there’s a lack of oral care. Additionally, oral cancer can appear even though you may be a non-smoker. Unfortunately, the condition can quickly claim a life when left undiscovered or untreated.
Family Dentists in Jeffersonville, Indiana, and Louisville and Shepherdsville, Kentucky
Protecting your smile during the winter doesn’t have to be complicated or challenging. With a few simple tweaks to your oral care regimen and the foods and beverages that you consume, you can protect your pearly whites. If you want more information about how to take care of your teeth during the winter or are ready to schedule an appointment, please contact our Shepherdsville family dental office, Exceptional Dentistry, by calling (502) 423-7868 or contacting us online.
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