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Protect Your Teeth Against Bruxism

Protect Your Teeth Against Bruxism

Louisville, KY

Bruxism is a common condition that involves clenching and grinding your teeth while sleeping. Many people, children included, have bruxism and are unaware of their condition, although there are symptoms that develop as a result of unmanaged bruxism. Unfortunately, ignoring bruxism could result in significant damage to your teeth and jaw joints. But our Jeffersonville dentists at Exceptional Dentistry provide a simple solution to this common condition. Today on our blog, learn how to protect your teeth against bruxism.

What happens when bruxism occurs?

Bruxism is clenching and grinding your teeth while sleeping. Even though you may be unaware that you do it, the problem could be brought on by stress or if your jaw and teeth are misaligned. The repetitive force and gnashing of the teeth eventually wears down your enamel, which exposes the tooth’s dentin layer, a more sensitive layer that is highly susceptible to decay and sensitivity. In extreme conditions, a person may grind their teeth down to tiny nubs, exposing the nerves inside their teeth, and causing irreversible damage. Bruxism can also cause gum recession, which leads to tooth sensitivity and eventually could weaken the periodontal ligaments that hold the teeth in their socket. Unmanaged bruxism may also cause broken or chipped teeth, or damage existing fillings and crowns that result in the need for repair. Prolonged bruxism cases may result in inflammation of the temporomandibular jaw (TMJ) joints, which can lead to jaw pain or dental pain, severe chronic headaches, and neck pain. The results of bruxism can be long-lasting and devastating to one’s oral and overall health. Thankfully, Exceptional Dentistry offers a way to manage bruxism and help reduce the likelihood of these issues.

How can I tell if I have bruxism?

You may not be aware of your condition, but if you experience dental pain, sensitive teeth, or wake up with headaches in the morning, you could be clenching and grinding your teeth while you sleep. If you aren’t sure whether you have bruxism, schedule a consultation with Exceptional Dentistry. The dentist can tell whether you have bruxism and can offer the best treatment for your case.

How can a dentist help manage my bruxism?

Managing bruxism starts by protecting your teeth. We achieve this by fabricating a custom oral appliance that is worn at night or while sleeping. The purpose of the oral appliance is to absorb the clenching and grinding force, instead of your teeth taking the brunt of the trauma. Wearing the night guard can also help relax the jaw muscles since the teeth are held slightly apart. In turn, the jaw joints experience less strain. However, cases of TMJ disorder may be treated with a different type of oral appliance. Therefore, it is important to discuss with your dentist if you’re experiencing TMJ disorder symptoms like pain or tenderness in the jaw joints, headaches, or difficulty opening and closing your mouth.

How are oral appliances made?

Oral appliances can be made from a soft, vinyl-type material or a clear acrylic plastic that is more durable and longer lasting. The dentist can help you decide which material is best for your case. We begin by making an impression of your teeth and bite, which are later used to make your custom night guard. The night guard will either fit on your upper or lower teeth, but not both. Patients often prefer a lower-fitted night guard because it doesn’t disrupt their speech as much and is less noticeable than a top-fitted night guard. Once the oral appliance is made, it is trimmed and the edges are made smooth. You’ll return to our office to try in your night guard, and the dentist makes any necessary adjustments.

Oral Night Guards in Jeffersonville, Indiana, and Louisville and Shepherdsville, Kentucky

If you would like to learn more about bruxism treatment, please contact Exceptional Dentistry by calling (502) 423-7868. The sooner you begin treatment, the better so that you can minimize the damage it could cause to your oral health. If you’ve already experienced significant dental damage, our expert cosmetic dentists can also recommend treatments to repair damaged, chipped, or broken teeth.

General Dentistry
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