What Age is Best for my Child to get Braces?

A popular question that we get regarding braces is when should a child get them? Braces are recommended at a young age when a child’s growing jawbones allow teeth to move easier. But how young is too young and what age is best for your child to get braces? We answer that question and more on the blog today.
To truth is, there’s really no exact age that a child should get braces. Generally, kids get braces between the ages of 9 and 14. Braces do, however, need to be placed on permanent teeth only, even though children have mixed dentition during these ages. This means that your child has a mix of both baby and adult teeth. But in some cases, a child may begin orthodontic care around age 9 because of their unique dental needs. However, your child’s genetics and oral health significantly affect how early they may need to begin orthodontic care. Some kids are fortunate enough never to need braces. If a dentist has recommended that your child begin orthodontic care, consider doing so as soon as possible to prevent additional health effects of a misaligned jaw or narrow dental arch.
Can you be too old to get braces? Nope! There is no age limit for getting braces as an adult. Many adults seek orthodontic care later in life.
Why should kids get braces?
A lot of people assume that braces are for aesthetic benefits only. While that is an added benefit to straightening one’s teeth, there are many other health and dental health-related reasons for kids to get braces.
A child may benefit from braces if they exhibit any of the following issues:
- Loss of baby teeth too early
- Difficulty chewing or biting
- Mouth breathing
- Prolonged finger or thumb sucking
- Poor oral habits
- Significant tooth misalignment
- Clicking or popping jaws
- An overbite or underbite
- Biting oral soft tissue
- Upper or lower teeth that protrude
- Facial asymmetry
- Teeth clenching and grinding
- Narrow upper airway
- Snores
While this list may not include all reasons a child needs braces early on, the best way to know for sure is to schedule a consultation with Exceptional Dentistry.
My child’s adult teeth are erupting crooked. Should I be worried?
As your child loses their baby teeth, it is natural for their adult teeth to erupt crooked or out of position. In some cases, angled or crooked adult teeth eventually find their way into their proper positioning as your child loses more baby teeth and their jaw develops. Therefore, there is no need to worry if your child’s teeth are crooked initially. However, if they experience crooked or angled adult teeth and any of the above symptoms, schedule a consultation with your dentist.
What are the benefits of early orthodontics?
A child should receive their first orthodontic evaluation by age 7. This doesn’t mean that they will get braces at this age, but it allows us to monitor their growth and development and identify any developmental issues that may occur in regard to their dental health. While these issues can be remedied later in life, it is much easier to do so while a child is still growing.
Benefits of early orthodontics may include:
- Creating room in the mouth
- Reduce overcrowding
- Reduce the risk of damage to the front teeth
- Preserve space for adult teeth to erupt
- Reduce the likelihood of needing jaw surgery or tooth extractions
- Correct a bad bite that could damage oral health
- Correct oral posture
- Reduce snoring
Get Braces for Kids in Jeffersonville, Indiana, and Louisville and Shepherdsville, Kentucky
As you can see, there are many reasons for a child to get braces at a young age, even as young as 7 in extreme cases. However, the best way to know when to seek orthodontic care for your child is through an orthodontic evaluation. To get started or learn more about braces for kids, contact Exceptional Dentistry by calling (502) 423-7868.
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