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dental crowns expensive

Why are Dental Crowns So Expensive?

Why are Dental Crowns So Expensive?

dental crowns expensive

Louisville, KY

Dental crowns are known to be among the priciest of dental procedures, which can often stand in the way of a patient seeking important dental care.  Our family dentist in Louisville at Exceptional Dentistry may recommend a dental crown for several reasons. They are a premier way for our dentists to restore the function of a tooth, improve the aesthetics of a smile and protect teeth that are weakened due to decay, infections or breaks. They are also the visible parts of dental implants and bridges.

As useful as crowns are, they certainly aren’t cheap; in fact, they’re known to cost anywhere from $500-$3,000 per crown. We understand how this can cause you heartburn. Let’s follow along today as our Jeffersonville cosmetic dentist, an expert in dental crown placement, explains why crowns are so expensive.

Costs of materials

Dental crowns are made from a variety of materials, from high-quality porcelain and gold (the most expensive materials) to ceramic and metal alloys. Despite the higher cost of porcelain, many people will choose crowns made from porcelain because of their natural appearance and durability. Our family dentist in Jeffersonville will recommend certain materials based on the location in the mouth where the crown is needed. If the crown is needed in an area that is visible to others when you smile, we may suggest porcelain. If it’s a back tooth, we might recommend using a less expensive material. We, of course, listen to patient preferences, and our goal will always be to make recommendations that balance durability and aesthetics.

Lab costs

In addition to being made with special materials, crowns have to be custom-fabricated, leading to laboratory expenses that include material costs, labor and overhead. Some dentist offices can fabricate crowns in the office using computer-assisted models and 3-D printing, but this results in increased office expenses. 

Multiple appointments with skilled professionals

Crown placement is a multi-step restorative procedure that requires advanced technology and multiple dental appointments to create precise impressions, take X-rays, prepare the tooth for a crown and then place the crown. The dentist’s experience, skill level and time spent on the procedure contribute to the overall cost.

Dental crowns in Louisville and Jeffersonville,  KY

Dental crowns are not inexpensive, but at Exceptional Dentistry, we want to hear from you if financial issues stand in the way of you seeking quality care for your dental health. We can find out what your insurance will cover and also talk with you about available payment plans. We recognize that investing in a high-quality crown today could save you from more extensive and costly dental procedures down the road. Give us a call today at 888-918-3336, or reach out to us online to schedule a consultation today.

Dental Crown
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