Why does my Jaw Hurt Every Morning?

As you likely already know, sleeping in an awkward position may cause a stiff neck or back the next morning. On the other hand, you may not realize that it is also possible to awake with a sore jaw. Bruxism and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) are possible causes of painful feelings in the jaw, neck, head, and shoulders. Differentiating between the two illnesses is important for receiving the right treatment since their symptoms are similar. Our Louisville neuromuscular dentists that specialize in treating bruxism and TMJ explain the possible causes of your morning jaw discomfort and provide recommendations on how you may get rid of it for good.
Do I have bruxism or temporomandibular joint disorder?
Bruxism – Teeth Clenching and Grinding – Bruxism, often known as nighttime clenching or teeth grinding, is a disorder in which a person grinds their teeth unconsciously. Most of the time, this is a result of stress or a traumatic event. The most often reported symptoms of bruxism, as described by our Louisville TMJ specialists who treat bruxism, are listed below.
- Receding gums and thinning tooth enamel
- Fractured, cracked, chipped, or worn teeth
- Painful sensations in the shoulders, jaw, neck, or ears
TMJ – Temporomandibular Joint Disorder – Your jaws work hard every day. It is easy to see how misalignment and inflammation may arise in a joint that is designed to move in three dimensions (vertically, horizontally, and laterally). TMJ disorder produces localized pain in the jaw that originates in the jaw’s nerves and muscles. Arthritis, stress, inflammatory disease, and even trauma may all contribute to TMJ symptoms. Some of the most often reported problems that bring people to our Jeffersonville TMJ dentists are listed below.
- Grinding your teeth
- Neck and earache when waking up
- Discomfort in the jaw and the shoulders
- Sore, tender jaw joints
- Discomfort or pain when biting or chewing
- Headaches when waking up, which might last all-day
How is TMJ disorder treated?
- Massage – TMJ disorder often responds well to non-invasive treatment and rarely requires surgical interventions. One treatment method you could try at home is massaging the jaw joints by applying light pressure using your fingertips. Do this throughout the day whenever you feel jaw tension and right before bed to relax your jaw muscles and stimulate blood flow to the area.
- Oral Appliance Therapy – If the dentist finds that your jaw pain is resulting from bruxism or nighttime clenching and grinding, we can prescribe a custom-made oral appliance that you can wear while sleeping. The appliance absorbs biting and clenching pressure while you sleep so that you don’t wear down your teeth and stress your jaw joints.
- TENS Unit – Another treatment known as TENS sends light electrical currents to stimulate the nerves in a specific area, which helps the body reduce inflammation and pain. We can provide TENS therapy at our office, and you can even purchase a smaller unit to use at home.
Keep in mind that treatment may vary depending on your case. The best way to know which treatment is right for you is to schedule a consultation with a TMJ specialist in Louisville today.
Neuromuscular Dentists in Jeffersonville, Indiana, and Louisville and Shepherdsville, Kentucky
If you must deal with discomfort first thing in the morning or all day long, you may find it difficult to go through your daily activities. While over-the-counter pain relievers may provide brief relief, they seldom prevent the pain from returning. Regrettably, the unpleasant feelings will return, perhaps worse than before, unless the underlying problem is resolved. If you wake up with jaw discomfort, you should schedule an appointment at our Louisville dental office that treats bruxism and TMJ at Exceptional Dentistry. To schedule an appointment, please call (502) 423-7868 or contact us online to request an appointment now.
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