Could Valentine’s Day Sweets Wreck your Teeth?

Although it tastes good, the consequences that sugar may have on your teeth and body are everything but sweet. Sugar can cause cavities and other dental problems, not to mention weight gain. But most holidays, especially Valentine’s Day, focus on chocolate and sweets. Our Shepherdsville family dentists at Exceptional Dentistry are concerned not only about the condition of your teeth and gums but your general well-being. Therefore, we share how Valentine’s Day delicacies and treats affect your oral health and how you can guard your smile against dental damage.
How do Valentine’s sweets impact my smile?
Valentine’s Day is a well-known holiday celebrated across the U.S. where people make it a point to tell others they love them by buying flowers, chocolates or going on a romantic dinner date that includes a special holiday dessert. Going to dinner and eating dessert is a one-time event that will not have a dramatic smile impact if you practice good oral health care. On the other hand, a heart-shaped box of chocolates can be disastrous for your oral health when you consume them throughout the day. Our family dentists in Jeffersonville advise patients to choose a single time of day to enjoy their chocolates. It’s better for your oral health than constantly bathing the tooth enamel and gums in sugar. So, to reduce the impact that your Valentine’s Day chocolates have on your smile, consume the chocolates in moderation and practice daily oral care.
How does sugar affect my teeth and gums?
Harmful bacteria hide in between your teeth and under your gum line. Oral bacteria feed on sugars and excrete acids that break down tooth enamel and create cavities. Even though tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body, it’s no match against acids that create erosion. When you combine sweet and acidic foods and beverages, like champagne or wine, it can increase the damage two-fold. Our Louisville family dentists explain that your gums are also under attack because of bacterial production. Unfortunately, if left untreated, the bacteria can cause periodontal disease, which could result in tooth and jawbone loss, and impacts your overall health risks.
How can I prevent teeth and gum damage when indulging on Valentine’s Day?
Valentine’s Day is a special day to show others you care. It’s understandable to consume culinary treats in celebration, especially since it occurs only once a year. After enjoying your special treat, be sure to rinse your mouth with water, use mouthwash, or brush your teeth after 30 minutes to remove sugar sources and protect your enamel. Our family dentists in Louisville issue a reminder that consistent sugar exposure to your teeth and gums can create severe conditions that result in permanent damage. So, to reduce sugar’s impact on your smile, practice daily oral health care, consume leftover sweets in moderation, and visit our office for a checkup and cleaning to address bacteria before it gets out of hand.
Jeffersonville, Indiana, and Louisville and Shepherdsville, Kentucky
Delectable treats abound on Valentine’s Day! Although there’s no harm in indulging in the festivities once a year, the leftovers and large boxes of chocolate can be tempting to snack on throughout the day. With your teeth consistently bathed in sugar, bacteria can have a field day and ruin your smile. So, when you celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, limit your sweet treats, take care of your smile by brushing and flossing, and avoid eating all day. If you want to refresh your smile after consuming Valentine’s Day candy and sweets, please call Exceptional Dentistry at (502) 423-7868 or contact us online to request an appointment today.
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